Behavioral Healthcare at Columbia DBA Unity Psychiatric Care

Behavioral Healthcare at Columbia DBA Unity Psychiatric Care - Columbia, TN

Behavioral Healthcare At Columbia Dba Unity Psychiatric Care is a mental health facility in Columbia, TN, located at 1400 Rosewood Drive, 38401 zip code. Behavioral Healthcare At Columbia Dba Unity Psychiatric Care offers Hospital inpatient treatment. Behavioral Healthcare At Columbia Dba Unity Psychiatric Care provides Group therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy and Activity therapy. It specializes in treatment of Seniors 65 or older. Behavioral Healthcare At Columbia Dba Unity Psychiatric Care also supports Seniors or older adults. Some other services offered by Behavioral Healthcare At Columbia Dba Unity Psychiatric Care include Case management.

Call (888) 774-6443 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Address: 1400 Rosewood Drive, Columbia, TN 38401

  1. Care Offered
  2. Service Setting
  3. Facility Type
  4. Treatment Approaches
  5. Who Operates This Facility
  6. Payments and Insurance Accepted
  7. Special Programs and Population Groups Supported
  8. Ancillary Services
  9. Tobacco/Screening Services
  10. Smoking Policy
  11. Age Groups Accepted

Here are the full facility listing details on Behavioral Healthcare at Columbia DBA Unity Psychiatric Care in Columbia, TN:

Care Offered

  • Mental health treatment

Service Setting

  • Hospital inpatient treatment

Facility Type

  • Psychiatric hospital or psychiatric unit of a general hospital

Treatment Approaches

  • Activity therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Psychotropic medication

Who Operates This Facility

  • a Private for-profit organization

Payments and Insurance Accepted

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Private health insurance
  • Cash or self-payment

Special Programs and Population Groups Supported

  • Seniors or older adults

Ancillary Services

  • Case management

Tobacco/Screening Services

  • Non-nicotine smoking/tobacco cessation medications
  • Screening for tobacco use
  • Smoking/tobacco cessation counseling

Smoking Policy

  • Smoking not permitted

Age Groups Accepted

  • Seniors (65 or older)

Contact #: 931-388-6573

Call (888) 774-6443 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Frequently Asked Questions About Mental Health Facilities in Columbia, TN

What types of mental health services are available in Columbia, TN?

Columbia, TN offers a range of mental health services, including counseling, therapy, psychiatric care, and support groups. These services cater to various mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and more.

How can I find a suitable mental health facility in Columbia, TN?

To find a mental health facility in Columbia, TN, you can start by researching online directories, consulting your primary care physician, or seeking recommendations from friends and family. It's essential to consider the facility's reputation, services offered, and patient reviews.

What insurance options are accepted by Behavioral Healthcare at Columbia DBA Unity Psychiatric Care?

Most mental health facilities in Columbia, including Behavioral Healthcare at Columbia DBA Unity Psychiatric Care, TN accept a variety of insurance plans. It's crucial to contact the facility directly or check the website to verify the accepted insurance providers and ensure coverage for the services you may need.

Are there specialized mental health programs for specific demographics in Columbia, TN?

Yes, Columbia, TN has specialized mental health programs tailored to various demographics, including children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Some facilities may also offer culturally sensitive or LGBTQ+-inclusive programs.

What qualifications should I look for in mental health professionals in Columbia, TN?

When choosing a mental health professional in Columbia, TN, consider their education, licensure, and experience. Look for individuals with relevant degrees (such as psychologists, social workers, or psychiatrists) and positive reviews from previous clients.

How can I access emergency mental health services in Columbia, TN?

In case of a mental health emergency in Columbia, TN, contact local crisis hotlines such as SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), go to the nearest emergency room, or call 911. Additionally, some mental health facilities offer crisis intervention services and walk-in appointments for urgent situations.

Do mental health facilities in Columbia, TN provide virtual or telehealth services?

Yes, some mental health facilities in Columbia, TN offer virtual or telehealth services, allowing individuals to receive mental health support from the comfort of their homes. Check with the specific facility to inquire about their telehealth options.

What support is available for families of individuals seeking mental health treatment in Columbia, TN?

Columbia, TN mental health facilities often provide support and resources for families, including counseling, educational programs, and family therapy sessions. These services aim to involve and assist families in the treatment and recovery process.

Can I schedule a tour or visit Behavioral Healthcare at Columbia DBA Unity Psychiatric Care, or another mental health facility in Columbia, TN before seeking treatment?

Yes, many mental health facilities in Columbia, TN welcome tours or visits before you decide on treatment. Contact the facility in advance to schedule a tour, ask questions, and familiarize yourself with the environment and available services.

How can I provide feedback or file a complaint about a mental health facility in Columbia, TN?

To provide feedback or file a complaint about a mental health facility in Columbia, TN, you can typically contact the facility directly or reach out to the relevant licensing or regulatory body in Tennessee. Check the facility's website for contact information and grievance procedures.

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